- i muted the 1st song, but after a while another started playing and i couldn't mute it
- it's a little hard to talk to characters, seems you have to be right on top of them, maybe their talking area should be a little bigger
- would be better if spacebar continued dialog, or at least another keyboard key, i don't believe mouse is used for anything else, so to have to reach for it is a little strange
- hard to tell which hp bar belongs to player and which to boss at first. also it seemed more like it's filling up rather than emptying, idk why
- i wasn't doing the fights in any order, so i forgot which ones i did. maybe after beating a guy in his corridor some kinda checkmark thing should appear
- the weapons menu disappears kinda fast, i assume when you get used to it tho it's more convenient. the first weapon is strong enough to where i didn't feel the need to change it, tho i suspect the 3rd one with a direction change has the biggest potential (to cheese with)
- i accidentally managed to get one of the guys out of his corridor, pic, maybe they shouldn't be colliding with player, or maybe they should be restricted in their movement range- documentation says "clamp" should be able to do that , tho i haven't used it yet
position += velocity * delta
position.x = clamp(position.x, 0, screen_size.x)
position.y = clamp(position.y, 0, screen_size.y)
- also pic related i think is a sweetspot where it seems nothing can hit you on, but you can still hit the boss (at least with weapon 1)
either way, good job so far anon