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Day Two

With a combination of getting up too late and having some stuff to do later (Shadowrun baybee), I didn't get all my tasks done today. I was supposed to do character designs for the other two party members, finish the general sketch of the tavern background, and do some scripts for when you first visit the town shops etc., but unfortunately I only got the former two finished.

Not 100% happy with it but it's definitely more populated. It'll do as a placeholder until I can clean it up a bit later.

Here's Gareth, the elf rogue of the party (he/him). He's so laid back that he is practically horizontal, and he genuinely thinks those shades make him look cool. And the belts. So many belts.

Oh, and for his neutral special, Gareth wields a gun. But no, seriously, his main weapon is a flintlock.

Meanwhile, our third party member is Robin (they/them), a half-orc tank. They're a pretty upbeat and kindly sort, though they have been known to flip out a little when people aren't respecting their friends. Usually this rage is directed in a healthy manner, but sometimes things get smashed.

As for their weapon, they use two shields. They take the role of defender very seriously.


That's about all I've got for day two. Tomorrow I'm gonna focus on some writing, I think, unless Aera has some more important art tasks for me to do. I'm looking forward to it! :>

- Soul


Oh can I just marry Robin? Please?

I'm really excited to see this!!