I just got done playing the basic free version on Steam and I have so much to say and to thank you for. I will admit I cried in my car on the way home from shopping for groceries, because your game made me remember what I was like as a child and what parts I lost as I grew up. (I am 26 now) It means so much to me and many others to have Cove be Demisexual and Panromantic. But also to get the ability to choose and be represented. All of the dialogue, the scenarios, the characters, are so perfect. Your game has made a profound emotional and psychological impact on me, in the best of ways. So thank you, thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. I just got the DLC expansions so I am looking forward to playing through again, and I can not be more excited for the epilogue drop! Anywhoozles, Thank you again, you all are awesome! I can say with all honesty that this is the best game I have ever played.