I didn't get much done today for a couple reasons. I'm not going to explain those reasons, though. Instead, let's look at the bright side and see what I did do today.
First off, here are three screenshots showcasing the current state of the game. There's a lot of new stuff in them, so let's break them down one by one:
Screenshot #1 shows the "Click to start!' screen. This message will pop up when you start up the game. This screenshot also shows our bird protagonist and the background.
The Click to start screen isn't actually new, and neither is the Game Over screen in Screenshot #3. I made both of those yesterday, but I haven't shown them until now.
Screenshot #2 is where the new stuff begins. I'm holding right-click in this screenshot, which continuously fires those wide, blue projectiles you see above. Those are the bird's lasers! You can also see an enemy in the bottom right (the magenta box) and a bullet fired by an enemy in the bottom left.
Screenshot #3 showcases the game over screen. Notice how there are 3 enemies now. That's because enemies spawn every 2 seconds and they wrap around the screen, so if you're not careful, enemies can quickly pile up on screen. Clicking the retry button just takes you back to Click to start.
I really wish I could share a GIF of all this, but I tried to record it and it was lagging waaay too much. I really need a better computer.
That's all that I've been working on for now. But before I go, I'll leave you with the enemy bullet sprite in all it's fully animated glory.