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Yo Day 4...

I spent how long trying to make switching between multiple cameras a thing?? All day?? But the result I ended up going with took about 30 minutes to set up in comparison??? Is this a wasted day? IDK. Maybe.


I. Am exhausted.

I was up till 4AM watching the inventory tutorial (because it's also a UMG tutorial and I figured I had a decent understanding of variables, so I didn't need to watch the Doors one.) I still woke up on-time (before my alarm actually,) spent a few hours finishing the last couple of tut videos, then debated the actual gameplay of my game. Last time I was trying to figure out the actual setup and concept, so I guess it makes sense this strikes me now. I only had a vague idea at that point. It's slowly starting to seem more and more like an interactive art project than a game...

When I realized what time it was, I wrapped up the last few thoughts on that and hopped into the editor. In order to start prototyping the actual game ASAP, I set today's goals to "camera control set up" and "maybe get some UI in there." I spent 3 or 4 hours, however, trying to figure out some camera system I could build at my level that would have it rotate (or whathaveyou) to another viewpoint (max 4.)

The editor would take 10 secs to place a camera in the level, then another 10s to realize I selected that camera, and yet another 10 to do anything with that selection. IDK if it's me (most likely) or if cameras are generally kinda slow in UE4. (I'm pretty sure it's me.) Once I got the four cameras in there, I realized I probably needed them to be blueprint actors (so I could script and reuse them. Good thing swapping out actors in a level is easy.) The Camera actors I made sorta worked... but not exactly how I expected. Pressing the left or right keys would switch the view to the camera on the left or right of it... except I couldn't switch from that camera because I wasn't exactly jumping to that camera's controls...

(T___T) I'm tired. I tried. Let's just keep it as simple as possible:

(( Four camera views you can choose by clicking on boxes. Simple enough. ))

I considered different approaches (like an array, which got on wonky on me, or sequencer events,) but those would require more research/testing that I didn't schedule for. Matter of fact, I'm trying to squeeze in more time to build assets. I've been feelin' the urge to just "BUILD THE DANG GAME" lmao. Except I don't know much of anything, so I'm trying to stay calm while I'm learning.

Task List

DoneTo DoDropped/Revised?????
Camera Controls. (Or at least what I'll do about them. >>;)Basic UI and "Sprite" classes. Or build inventory tutorial. Probably both. (1 day)Pruned game's concept/gameplay. Dropped side-scrolling.How to make Mouse controller less annoying and get rid of default pawn without screwing the game up??

Brain Dump

Songs that improved my mood after the camera mess:

  • Crucial Star - Fire
  • Monsta X - Trespass
  • Heize - Don't Know You
  • Lotsa BTS .
  • Everything Day 6 released this year.


  • When will I get the win10 creators update? I oughta check tonight. I'd hate for it to show up midday or something. My computer acts dumb when that happens.
  • I should definiely look at that Zen Garden demo again.


  • Spoiler alert for the curious. Here's a list of what you might be able to do in the 'game' if tomorrow goes well.