Fantastic job!!! As soon as I grasped the concepts, I simply couldn't put it down. I even played through twice! If you're willing, you should definitely expand this into a more polished game and put it on the app store or something. I would have loved this back in first grade, and it would have been a great teaching tool. That said, I think the "one use tiles" should probably be more distinct from the "multiple use" tiles. Perhaps make them a different color? And maybe each number should have its own color as well: to add another layer of distinction and variety (the color of the laser could reflect this). I would have also appreciated the ability to control when the laser fires; simply to give more power to the player and to make the finishing blow more impactful. To that end, some screen shake when an enemy explodes would certainly add to that impact as well.
There were a few bugs, but they certainly weren't game breaking. First, the "wall blocks" appeared to be too small to cover the entire width of the screen on my aspect ratio (16: 9). Maybe just extend them a bit? Or just use a consistent aspect ratio script. Oh, and it was really easy to trap yourself by skipping past the enemies and then getting stuck behind the wall that appears behind you. Maybe just divide these regions into two different levels? At the very least there should be some way to go back after the enemies behind the barrier are defeated. Otherwise, a reset is the player's only option, which does not seem like a good reward for defeating all the enemies in a later section of a level. The last problem I encountered occurred at what I think is the end of the game. The camera simply stopped scrolling, but there were more enemies in the level. Maybe it was a time constraint thing and that's the end, but I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of it.
Thank you so much for the absolutely wonderful game! Please have a great day!