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Day three:

I'm not sure if this would be cheating to consider this all done in day three due to how late (or early, depending on how you look at it) it is, but my internal clock says that it's still day three so I'll just consider this all apart of day three. Today was almost purely spend on texturing, rigging, animating, and importhing the player model. The texturing, rigging, and animating were suprisingly simple once I knew what I was doing for the most part. But as soon as I got to importing, it got fustrating to say the least. First Godot didn't want to use the walk cycle I made, so after lots of fiddling with it, I made a new animation file and copied all of the keyframes over to the new file. Then I was attempting to test a shader on said model, but what I didn't realize was that the file type I imported it as put the textures as a skin. Shaders in Godot make the skin invisible; same goes for spatial materials. So after going in circles for an hour and a half, with zero search results for my problem, I figured out that for the shader I wanted to use I could just put it on a copy of the model I wanted to put it on. And so, here's the result of this sleep deprived ordeal:

(I promise you the game's actual framerates are better than this, the framerate here is just the gif.)

Before you wonder what the shader that I was trying to get to work was, it was just an outline.