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Grayfox - Devlog

A topic by crowscreams created Jan 10, 2021 Views: 431 Replies: 17
Viewing posts 1 to 12
Submitted (1 edit) (+2)
Grayfox is a platformer in three dimensions where you take control of a little gray fox who got trapped in a labrynth of sorts. Your goal is to escape.

Hello to whoever's reading this! This is my first time trying to make a game and first time in a game jam. I know my concept isn't exactly super creative or innovative, but I hope you'll stick around to see the progress of it's development.

Honestly, the inital concept I had for this game came from a dream I had. Although I ended up not going with it, as doing so would require writing AI that is far beyond my understanding and dungeon generation. So I quickly switched gears on day one to making a platformer with the same graphical style instead.

Day one:

A good chunk of this day was spent trying to figure out the Godot engine (, which I went with because I love it's license.) After I got the barest basics down, and a lot of fiddling trying to get stuff to work, I deciced to just grab a 3D platformer template and use that (don't worry I read the license for it.) I then went and found a script for a movable camera, which I then had to edit so it would only move the camera while holding down a mouse button. I'm currently working on trying to get it so the character movment goes the same direction as the camera (if that makes sense.) I also made some concept art (, most of which I made before switching gears.) Here's some:

Final concept of player character (Grayfox.)

Enemy concept (aka a sneaky boy.)

Thank you for reading!! ^^


Loving the concept art, and it's cool to see someone else who gets inspiration from dreams. Best of luck going forward!


Thanks! And dreams are good for getting ideas, because they themselves are kind of unfiltered streams of thoughts and ideas. Things that are based on them are almost always interesting. ouo

Also good luck to you too!!


ohhhhh i love the sneaky boy concept, esp the up close version omggg 👁 i can't wait to see these chars in game!!


Aaa thank you!!


Day two:

I ended up spending most of today learning the basics of how to work Blender.  I'm still trying to make sense of it, but I managed to get the player character's model mostly done. I just need to make the textures and rig for it, after which it should be ready for animating then importing into the engine. Here's a turnaround of said model:

Aside from this, I got the movement working as I want to for the most part. I would like to get the jumping a tad bit less floaty though. ^^'

The concept and art look really cool! The model for the character looks like it's coming along nicely as well. Good stuff! 


Thanks ˙▿˙


Day three:

I'm not sure if this would be cheating to consider this all done in day three due to how late (or early, depending on how you look at it) it is, but my internal clock says that it's still day three so I'll just consider this all apart of day three. Today was almost purely spend on texturing, rigging, animating, and importhing the player model. The texturing, rigging, and animating were suprisingly simple once I knew what I was doing for the most part. But as soon as I got to importing, it got fustrating to say the least. First Godot didn't want to use the walk cycle I made, so after lots of fiddling with it, I made a new animation file and copied all of the keyframes over to the new file. Then I was attempting to test a shader on said model, but what I didn't realize was that the file type I imported it as put the textures as a skin. Shaders in Godot make the skin invisible; same goes for spatial materials. So after going in circles for an hour and a half, with zero search results for my problem, I figured out that for the shader I wanted to use I could just put it on a copy of the model I wanted to put it on. And so, here's the result of this sleep deprived ordeal:

(I promise you the game's actual framerates are better than this, the framerate here is just the gif.)

Before you wonder what the shader that I was trying to get to work was, it was just an outline.


omgggg this is awesome to see in game!! its soooo cute aaaaaaa. this is such a smartly scoped asset for the jam too. i love it so much!


Thank you so, so much!! I just love how low poly models look (specifically ones that look like they belong on an NDS or PS1,) so it was a lucky thing that they're combined with a simple character design they aren't too time consuming. Now trying to fit a more complicated design into a low poly model could be difficult. To be honest, I kind of wish I could've gotten the model even lower poly, but what's done is done.


Seeing how it's developed so far from the concept drawings is really cool! The blender model is so cute, too! It seems like a lot of work but it's paying off really well!!


Thanks! It is difficult, but you're right. It's been completely worth it so far. ^^


Good work on fixing the problem without Google on-side—whenever I can't find anything to assist, I'm always left floundering. Hope Godot is feeling more cooperative going forward ^^


Yeah, dealing with stuff without google usually ends up being a process of bashing your head into a wall until either something works, or you give up. Luckily this time I found a fix for the problem. Also same, I have a feeling this'll jinx it, but other than that it seems to be working with me well, aside from having to look up stuff I don't know. But that's just a learning process.


Day 4-10:

Apologies for not updating in a while, my body decided that it'd be nice to get sick on me for a week and not be able to even sit at a computer. Luckily I'm well enough again that I can sit at my computer again, but unluckily I've lost about a week where I was going to be working on this. Due to this, I will have to majorly scale back the game. But anyways, I've finally gotten endless pits and respawning working. As well as a CRT filter (I'm currently working out a way to toggle it through in game settings, in case anyone finds it irritating.)

I should be updating daily again in the future.


I forgot to update the past few days... ^^' But still, I managed to get some stuff done. I'm going to split this up into the days I forgot to post.

Day 11

This day was mostly spent trying to get double jumping to work. After multiple tutorials gave me infinate jumping instead of double jumps, I finally got it working.

I got this to work by putting in a variable for "hasDoubleJumped" that is set to either true or false. If it says false then it will let you do the extra jump. But when you do the extra jump, it sets the variable to true. It resets back to false whenever you're on the floor.  This basically makes it so you can only do one extra jump, if that makes any sense. I also started designing levels. I didn't exactly think about how many levels I wanted before, but due to the time limit I decided to go with 5 (very) short levels.

Day 12

Most of this day was spent trying to make moving platforms. Which ended up being a lot harder than I thought it would be. Almost all of the tutorials I found were for the 2D side of the engine, and used an option that was only avalible in that side. Luckily I found a path node in the 3D side of the engine and figured out how to use it to move the platforms how I want, with the only issue being that the player doesn't actually stay on said platforms. First I tried a method I found in an FPS tutorial, but I didn't like how the result felt, so I did some more research and tried multiple methods, which resulted in some... Amusing results.

I eventually caved and used the method from the FPS tutorial and it worked, but it feels a little bit clunky.

Now all that's left to do is finish making the levels and it should be ready for submitting.


Day 15

Launch day!! I finally finished this game. Unfortunately, I had to cut a lot of stuff I wanted to do with this due to health issues. But I hope you enjoy anyways. Also, if you have any kind of feedback, please don't hesetate to give it!