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I personally would like to believe that Tyson is in the closet and just needs a little help coming out. But yeah, I see what you mean, I don’t think him coming out would happen during a tragic experience.

Worst case scenario: It’s confirmed that he only sees Dave as a brother and he truly isn’t gay.

But anyway, there’s my speculation.

You should check out path c, very confirmed ty's in the closet.

You've got me curious as to what the line is that confirms that now.

Same goes for me


The fact that when shit hit the fan he realises he's in love with dave and tells him that. Though it does help that in one of the comments here you said ty was ''so far in the closet he's finding narnia''.


Well yes, I am hilarious. :V

I think I ran into a line like that...I’m pretty sure Dave asked to be held for a positive feeling, and when Dave said I love you to Ty, he simply replied “You too, Dave.” That’s it....pretty sure the last thing they’d be thinking about is being in/out the closet, but to each their own...

Didn't Tyson said he doesn't know how he feels for Dave so there's a 50% chance he's gay and 50% he's straight but there are many factors that can affect Tyson's gender all we need to do is get close to him so he'll be gay hueheueheh 

(For Tyson)