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Mike Da'argon

A member registered Dec 21, 2020

Recent community posts

So is the main story done? Or is this VN “not done” in regards to some bug fixed/polishes?

Actually, Basket himself said in the discord server that he’s going through the typo logs for the Jun route before posting it.

Since my last starting word was short. I will start a new one.

Starting word:


I believe in the game (Spoilers? It doesn’t really spoil the plot of any of the routes…I’ll say it anyway), Saya said that she used to have a crush on Shoichi and Yuuichi, just not at the same time.

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I too, shall participate in this game.

Starting word:





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There’s technically only one official bad ending, and that’s if you fail to save Jun and he gets hit by the car, in which the game will end after a heartbreaking few text boxes.

Shoichi’s route, if you asked Saya about college rather than relationship advice, keeps hinting at a potential bad ending because Yuuichi is too scared (I might be misinterpreting it) to say anything because he might hurt Shoichi’s feelings.

As for a guide…I’m not sure.

I put some thought into it, and you’re right. They shouldn’t keep us in the dark.

I guess where I was trying to get at was the fact that they are the ones spending time and effort on this project, so they deserve to do whatever they want with it.

But I see now how that would be unfair for the community that they’ve built.

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I’m just going to voice my opinion.

Basket doesn’t need to tell us anything. If the update is late, then the update is late. There’s nothing we can do about it besides wait. I’m getting tired of people (not saying just from the comment section) saying that “Oh, [insert VN creator here] needs to communicate with us because the update is late!”

No, no they don’t. A Visual Novel creator doesn’t need to commune anything to us. Hell, they can just decide to give up on making the VN for no reason whatsoever, and there’s not a dang thing any of us would be able to do about it.

So please, just be patient y’all. The update will come out when it comes out. Thank you.

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There isn’t an official discord for the game, but there is a fanmade one that Basket is a part of. One of the rules of the server is that you can’t bother them though.

It’s a standalone sequel to Echo, meaning that this game might not even follow any of the routes from Echo. Hell, something completely different could’ve happened to the Echo cast that didn’t happen in any of the routes in Echo.

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I believe Basket said that each route will expand much further than just 30 days, so you don’t have to worry about it :)

Edit 1: Unless Basket decides to add more ways to get a sudden Bad Ending like he did in Jun’s route.

There is a Neutral Ending! When doing the character select, just keep alternating between characters each time, don’t finish anyone’s “heart meter,” you’ll eventually get a neutral ending!

You just have to get through this Jun update and you’ll get your wish.

Actually, I believe one of the authors said that Arches doesn’t follow any of the character’s routes from Echo, as it is a standalone sequel.

What we do know is that something did happen back in 2015, but this game might not be following any of the Echo cast’s routes. Hell, who knows if any of the characters from Echo will even make an appearance.

What part of getting manipulated, kidnapped, tortured, and (depending on which choice you make) getting your legs ripped off by a speeding train defines Leo’s route being “tame?”

Not really? It’s stated that the only ones who are still friends are Chase, Leo, and Jenna. As the others have stopped talking to each other completely.

I personally would like to believe that Tyson is in the closet and just needs a little help coming out. But yeah, I see what you mean, I don’t think him coming out would happen during a tragic experience.

Worst case scenario: It’s confirmed that he only sees Dave as a brother and he truly isn’t gay.

But anyway, there’s my speculation.

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Unfortunately...that’s just how it is with Echo.


All routes in the game are either bittersweet or straight up depressing...there are no “true” happy endings. I mean Jenna’s route isn’t finished so who knows?