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Devlog #3 - Settings Menu and a Buggy Mess

A couple weeks ago, I implemented a settings menu, but there was still no saving and loading. So I got to work on that.

It honestly took way longer than expected to implement a save and load system for the settings menu. I had so many little issues, especially with the resolution dropdown. I wanted the ability to change the resolution, but only when the game is in windowed mode, so I had to find a way to lock the resolution to the highest setting/native resolution on fullscreen, and then reapply the previously selected resolution when switching back to windowed mode.

After many hours, only switching to fullscreen worked in switching the resolution, but going to windowed mode didn't do anything. Then, I played around with the code for anther hour or two until it finally worked both ways. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of my troubles. Upon leaving the settings menu, and going back, the resolution dropdown didn't save. After many more hours, I finally got everything to save, but now switching to windowed mode without going back to the main menu broke it. A long while later, and finally, everything seemed to work.

I built the game to test everything, and no surprise, fullscreen wouldn't work; it would stay in windowed mode, but at max resolution. I spent a full two days on that issue, but still, until now, I haven't solved the problem. Amazingly, every time I tried to fix a bug, two or three more would pop up.

Also, I removed the graphics settings because it was pretty obsolete.

All in all, it took over a week to implement everything and fix most of the bugs. It's pretty incredible how most of the gameplay took me around two days to implement, and the settings menu took over a week, and there's still problems. That's game dev for you!