Firstly, excellent game, closing in on Brogue in terms of aesthetic.
Secondly, please expand on this, or give it to someone who will.
It would be perfect for an open world CRPG akin to CoQ, and while extremely time consuming, I don't see how one couldn't integrate basic party mechanics (imagine the possibilities, you could have legitimate battles between pike phalanxes! That would of course require modifications to the AI*, but still), inventory, and armour/defence systems (percentage based defence would work a treat, with armour utilising the already present health system via flat reduction). Oh, and dismounting, of course. Then determine some theme appropriate missions, and disperse them throughout a few permanent settlements. Bonus credits for the slow growth of Atagan territory as a time limit for the main questline.
* A possibility to increase realism and interest would be a reaction speed system, where at the end of an action, the actor stores the best possible current action for their next turn. Upon that turn, they then have a chance to revert to that action, allowing the sequence @ \L =› @ —L =› @ —L the alternative @ \L =› @ —L =› —L, wherein the @'s stored action of moving towards the lancer is acted upon even after a threat is superimposed between the two. This allows for further unpredictability and natural flow between AI combatants, though applying it to the player is of course not recommendable.
As previously mentioned, armour would function best as a flat decrease to damage taken, perhaps with a 1 value variation so it doesn't get absurd. For reference, gambeson (padded cloth) can realistically stop the sort of arrow fired from a horse bow on occasion, and lamellar should nullify the majority of blows. Given the theme, encumbrance doesn't seem particularly appropriate, nor realistic. Weapons might provide a (relatively large) chance to avoid an attack. Shields seem tricky to represent, but if possible would serve as a large increase to defence, greater against lances and arrows than against swords, and of course directional. Peak defence would realistically be somewhere around 80%, given a combination of sword and shield. Where possible, spear and shield should lose consistently to sword and shield.
All systems above are easy targets for a skill system (the sort without flashy manoeuvres, like in dcss).