That's a good question. I don't mind making the source code available, but the advanced stuff might scare some people off. Let me give it some thought and I might release it when I release version 1.0.0. I would just need to work out where to release it. I have accounts on (obviously), GitLab and GitHub, so maybe one of those.
The rationale behind some of the source code would need an explanation, especially the hacks to workaround Adventuron restrictions. I'm not sure where best to explain it. Perhaps a blog somewhere? I imagine this being part tutorial, part reference and part hints and tips, somewhat like an expanded version of the Adventuron cookbook. Anyway, that's just an idea.
I should also say that there is nothing wrong with a verb/noun game. It's just that I come from an Inform 6 world and I'm used to designing games with containers, multi-word input and out-of-scope topics (such as in the book and the character interaction). If I had known what I was getting myself in for, I would never have designed this game. I set out to do something bigger than my past Adventuron games and ended up with something completely different. It is very rich in content. There is lots to explore and discover and it's fun to play, but the information gathering at the beginning is very repetitive. Sorry about that. I guess I got a bit carried away.