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The game idea looks to have a lot of potential but some features/changes you might want to consider (I only tried the demo but found some parts frustrating):

The AI Pathing and Pursuing needs to be improved. Instead of the difficulty stemming from how many enemies are spawned and perhaps their random and odd pathing will hit you, the AI could be updated to actually feel competitive and like you are being hunted. I am imagining updating the movement speed to match the Users to require the User to sprint to actually build distance while risking tiring themselves out in the process. In this world one or two pursuers would actually be really scary as they hunt you down.

Another issue that the demo had was that a single assault has pretty much zero risk. The requirement of sprinting above would keep your stamina low and would therefore make a single encounter more scary. Also, you could add a risk/chance to each encounter to make progression more difficult. For instance, the attacker to put a blind fold on you (this could lower the visibility via Unity camera settings or w/e, or reduce the field of view to make eluding future attacks harder). Or the attacker could do some form of forced drugging that makes you hornier or more tired for a period of time. Or distorts the screen and switches left and right movement like you're drunk for awhile.

Another idea that popped into my head was changing the way you lose. If this was a real scenario, you'd either make it to the throne and reclaim the dungeon or you would become stuck unable to get past the enemies. It might be a really neat concept to simply have the game go until the User acknowledges escape is impossible and gives up. I'm imagining my character is absurdly aroused cuming repeatedly each assault exhausting herself, I'm blindfolded and drugged to the brim so when I have a chance to escape I keep failing to get away with each failure bringing the odds lower and lower.

Finally, a suggestion that would require a good amount of asset/designing work (everything above should fit within the current game, and Unity pathing should be pretty easy to improve) would be something like "rare spawns" that need to be avoided at all costs. They could force you into nearly impossible to win scenarios, like really intense blindfolds, humblers (for male characters), or whatever else. Really set in the panic when seen and cause a make or break type scenario.

Anyway, good luck with the game! I'll be keeping tabs on it!

Thanks for the feedback!
The AI pathing is the real problem, the stupid AI is a product of unity's navmesh failing to properly calculate distances in realtime in narrow corridors/small rooms. Im working on a solution to it, but so far i haven't progressed much. But improved AI is a priority.
Other types of bondage things are planned as well (like blindfolds, gags, etc) but will be getting in, in future updates.

The system for rare spawns is actually in-game, it just spawns "pursuers", which are slightly more stronger than normal opponents, and will take you a lot of effort to make them lose track on you. All of these things will be improved once i can get the new AI working.

Thanks for the feedback, and im glad you enjoyed the demo.

One thing that you might want to look into. It seems as though the enemies aren't able to pivot. I don't know if you are forcing a constant speed which forces turns to be an arc or whatever, but none of the enemies ever just pivot in place. I think I ran into this before using Unity and it was something like that. Allowing the enemies to pivot in place will also allow for more fine grained pathing. as their turns aren't these giant arcs.

I don't remember finding an option for enabling this. i will take a look, but that is actually a great observation, i haven't realized that they aren't able to pivot!

So looks like it's a function of speed, max accel, and angular speed. With absolute speed capped, max accel and angular speed probably aren't too concerning to set very high.

Good luck!