I completed the demo, and thought to offer the thoughts of a future customer, as I definitely appreciate Indie Otome and support appropriately.
1. Why would an Agendered person assume the gender of Marion? They should similarly ask for Marion's pronouns as well if we're going through the trouble of having the conversation.
2. It takes me out of the role of the character for MC to be automatically written as attracted to all the love interests. If I the player are not attracted to certain characters, why isn’t the couple of lines about attraction a quick choice?
3. I really object to the over familiarity. Non consensual touching is a big dislike of mine. A stranger playing with my hair makes me feel like an object, and kissing hands in greeting or goodbye is almost appropriate but kissing it in the middle is just kinda weird.
4. The dancing transitions should slide more slowly. It’s meant to mimic a dance and I felt more “jerked around" than fluidic dancing and maybe going more slowly would help.
5. Not a fan of the greensleeves voice work but music is super subjective.
6. Writing wise, I have no idea why Marion would tell someone right off the bat about their situation. What was the point of the disguise if you tell someone you're wearing a mask within days of donning it?
Anyway, as much as I just complained, it's in my follow list and it'll be a buy when it comes out. I'll probably just ignore the stuff I don't like like I always do, but I hope my comments help anyway.