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Devlog #4 - Polish & Effects

This week, I worked on polishing the experience, and adding animations and effects.

First, I removed the next level button, so it automatically transitions to the next level upon completion. Next, I reworked the undo and restart buttons to be disabled when the level is won. I also had the restart button disabled until a move was made.

I also worked on cleaning up the code; separating out things, and making things more reusable.

Then, I started working on the effects: When the level was completed, a burst of particles would fly out of the last cell. I'm not too great with particle effects, but it didn't turn out too bad. After that, I made the last cell white and then fade back to normal after winning the level. I also wanted to add impact to every move, so I made a growing outline effect that would be spawned on every collision. After sorting out all the bugs with the undo breaking the animation, I got everything working, and the game felt way better to play.

Here's the final result (I removed the UI for demonstration):

You can clearly see a difference over the previous iteration: