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(2 edits) (+5)(-1)

As a biologist, a geneticist, who studies domestication and domestic animals, this is an excellent demonstration of a very important problem. I wouldn't call it a "dilemma," i'd call it a "big fucking problem," but my point is this game portrays it very, very well. 

[spoilers below]

I especially enjoy that the ill-bred dogs are slower to run to their food. So many pieces like this rely purely on visuals to indicate that these dogs are unhealthy, so it's wonderful to feel and experience as a player, on a practical level, how being ill-bred and unhealthy is leading dogs to early deaths. Plus the shaking of the VERY high-level dogs makes it hard to tell if they're eating properly... It's much more show than tell in a way that I feel games like this often fail. Congrats! Very smart game design. 


Oh wow thank you!! This was actually made for a university assignment where we had to make a game for impact. A lot of research was conducted around the topic prior to game production, so we are very glad we were able to do the issue justice in the end!


you're welcome! I linked my friend to this game, told her nothing, and it made her cry for 2 days.

oh dear...


Hi thanks for answering my question! Just wondering can you do it on an apple ipad?

how did 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' solve your question?