Hey M!
Thanks for the excellent feedback. I'm delighted that you enjoyed our game!
The tutorial is always an after thought, isn't it? xD We had so much work on the table, including the tutorial and just figured we could throw it together all willy-nilly in the home strech. Willow and I both came up with seperate strategies to tackle laying out the game basics and they ended up working really well together. Buuuut, he was the one left with needing to implement it all lol.
I agree that having more information available on the tooltips would def be nice, and with a tad bit more time for the polishing period it would of likely happened. Well.. Maybe. ^^;
All the sounds and music are from our Composer, Isabella Lau! She made everything during the Jam period and really did an excellent job.
Thanks again for the feedback! ^^