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(1 edit) (+1)

It's a shame you didn't add some sort cronometer or score to it so I could show off. Kappa.

It's pretty good! That center of the storm, there is something about it, do you make it spin or is it actually changing shape? Nice weapon modelling aswell.

The way you set up the desktop exports is quite strange and it doesnt work in the Itch App. You did it on purpose or it's a first time? I can actually see the entire source of it D:

edit: I forgot, the jumping is quite good. It looks like Im snaping to the ground, didn't see any sliding in the slopes, and this is 3.2.3. What magic did you do? I have a 3D project where I did it but when Im on a slope I have to jump twice.


To make the storm texture move, I just enabled triplanar mapping. As for the strange export, the game wouldn't change scenes unless the executable was in the project directory. So I just zipped the whole thing along with the executable. For slopes I took reference from Garbaj's video.

Thank you for playing!