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A member registered Jul 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much JamJawJar glad you liked it! Speed was a bit slow I agree, and yes, a more complete version is in the agenda :)

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It's a shame you didn't add some sort cronometer or score to it so I could show off. Kappa.

It's pretty good! That center of the storm, there is something about it, do you make it spin or is it actually changing shape? Nice weapon modelling aswell.

The way you set up the desktop exports is quite strange and it doesnt work in the Itch App. You did it on purpose or it's a first time? I can actually see the entire source of it D:

edit: I forgot, the jumping is quite good. It looks like Im snaping to the ground, didn't see any sliding in the slopes, and this is 3.2.3. What magic did you do? I have a 3D project where I did it but when Im on a slope I have to jump twice.

Hello there friends! Controls are very stiff and spooky, in a non-funny and head-exploding way. Kappa.

The guy with the purple cap/hair, I imagine interacting with him is not possible right? Why am I being pushed to the left while standing still? Wind? Will you and the team continue to work in this later?

Hello friend I hope you are having a nice day! Yes I made the music and everything else :)

Thank you sophia, glad you enjoyed it. Supermarket raiding was in the list, it might become a reality in the next release of the game :)

You are welcome friend. Not sure if it's perfomance or the animations "slaping", dont know how to explain it but with tweening things can get out of control. Suddenly an animation that was supossed to complete in 2 seconds takes 0.5 and it becomes snappy, giving the effect of lag/performance issue. I have had that problem, not sure how to fix it. Maybe playing with the easy_out's and easy_in's.

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Did you ever heard the story of Olgoth the indiegamedev? Well that's me so I'll tell you young shadywalker: 

One time I found a OS simulator in a Nomad themed gamejam, crazy stuff I know. Questions appeared in my head, is this person alright? Should I call the police on someone at the other side of the world? And then it hit me faster than Zuckerberg selling his users information to the alphabet: Pantheon Inc is THE company to work for, their absolutely non-shady adventures in the wholesome world of global finances from the perspective of an employee had to be told, for it broke the limits of themeing itself. Nothing matters anymore. And --- I had a bunch of metallica references next but its too much.

Sorry its 2AM lol. Nice work man it was quite the experience, never played something like that. Is this your first gamejam? Also, this minesweeper has a better algorithm than the ones in my machines. I guess I'll be opening this often.

Interesting work, I like it. Maybe its because of the music, but it reminded me to that NES spiderman game "Return of the sinister six". Will you expand on it?

Lasted 2 days friend. Too barebones but the idea gets across. Shame you didn't had enough time. I see potential if you keep working on it :)

I did 10km and crafted a fleet. It's interesting, I wanna see more, and hear moar. Will you keep working on it later?

After putting down the meanest, badest, ugliest worm of the gobi desert and stronking up to 117 HP I gotta say, I feel satisfied.

There isn't much to say on top of everyone else, the three of you did a great job. It is time now to release DLC, microtransactions, and of course: servers.

Didn't set a texture for the buttons? It's a zero from me.

lol just joking. I found it quite touching. You guys managed to set the mood really well, it reminded me of the feeling of Densetsu, the theme of 99's HxH. That sort of, young jungle exploration in Japanese style RPG. Not all of the graphics combine but it gets the job done without much distraction. Will you be making more games together or it's a one-time thing?

Well that was quite the ride, very nice and polished. Good palette and tileset, music on point and challenging. The guy looks a little off with the rest maybe? Its good anyway. There was some serious "lag" though, I suspect you used tweening with the movement? It could be related. I like it :)

I was surprised when those siluettes started to pop out as actual meshes, I thought they were just part of the skybox! Sharp UI, Precise sound effects, Smooth cinematics and Nice story. Dont know if it would make sense since its a robot, but adding a key to charge the battery when the player wants to would be a good QoL feature. I had to move in circles a couple of times to use it up so I didnt dry up under the shade, doesnt look like what a robot would do and a bit annoying because of time consumption. I like it.

It took me a bit to realize it was a ladybug, the way it rotates with the movement is quite convincing with a character of this type. You got a nice aesthetic pack, everything looks consistent. I got close to finishing the second level twice but couldnt, are there more levels?
I see it with potential as a speedrunning game, if you keep working on it. Things like a "bug sense" as an arrow pointing to the portal would be nice, working as a reverse compass. The idea you said of starting with a lot of instruments in the music and then decreasing them, as if life was dripping away, is very nice. I like it :)

You got no idea how rushed those papers were made! lol Thank you for the kind words Willowblade friend, Im glad you liked it. I'll be playing your game today :)

Thank you Jonas1426, freshness was in my mind when making it so Im glad It showed. I'll be playing your game today.

Yes thank you Sage7! I hope you are having a beautiful day. Probably not for the next proyect, but It is in the plans to expand this so stay put for more Bossy-Cat Action :)

The death animation of the tentacles is top juice. I moved the archers to a better posicion and then started a loop of going to the center to see whats coming, and then get out of it to throw them axes with sniper aiming, didnt touch the archers again. Still didnt understand what to do when the kraken head appeared, axes had no effect, archers didnt shoot at it. Controls are a bit confusing. Nice idea, feels a bit convoluted, needs more thought in the execution. Did you make the music? Its quite nice.

It was quite fun to swing from one side to the other, the turning effect in the car sells it nicely. Has potential, did you spend most of the time programming the AI of the cars? I dont notice much of a diference between them, adding more powerups or obstacles would have been better I think. And the road theme is definitely the best.

Made 1M in 55 days, setting me up for dissapointment in the real world eh? lol
Nice use of the wildcards, and the theme goes without saying. Love the graphics and the music. All of it made by the team or some public domain stuff thrown in aswell? The NY stage would look great as a background for a fighting game.
The only "negative" I see is that petting the mascot should spawn some particle with a heart or something and not show that square "select" effect. Juice that up.

Very nice, tons of polish, sadistic collisions, pleasant music and wholesome voice acting while lethally invading human organisms. I mean, is someone there? Whats not to like? Suspicious. Kappa

Hello there, I hope you are doing nicely. Thank you for playing and a lot for the video! I see the possibility of releasing a full game of this with more content and QoL in the future so stay put

Thank you soulseekah I hope you are doing great. Didn't knew that game, the screenshots look nice I will look for some gameplay later :)
I'll be checking your game and everyone else's

Thank you friend, our benevolent cat overlord is pleased.
Yes it ended up being more of an intro than an actual game lol I do see some potential for a future full release, with a real amount of content and challenge. I'll be seen your game and everyone else's today and tomorrow :)

Nice, it starts to get quite difficult at the 400 mark, that would be a good moment to add an ability or something to give it more depth. I imagine you have seen it, but there is a bug/glitch at one point: some of the enemies pass through the collisions at the top and get stuck there.

When you complete certain requirement, you get a "Perfect Score" screen. But I forgot to reset a variable for when the player dies. So if you die but you want to get that screen, I recommend you close and re open the game so the reset is proper. It is the only thing affected.
I already fixed it in my side, I will upload it when the voting ends.