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I thought of two options 

1) Kill of Ise and make them come together through that lost/them trying to find a way to fix things.

2)Create a new protagonists specifically for Kai in a dlc or make it an extra.

3) Nothing is impossible in the realms of creativity!!!

P.S. Is Ceres Awle completely available yet? He is my FAVE!!!!!

Thank you so much for your suggestions!

Throughout my previous deliberations for the story, I've considered these options alongside other available ones. Unfortunately, they didn't solve the problems Kai presented as a love interest, and weren't cohesive with the narrative.

There's a certain motif I want the relationships of IseKai to have, and Kai's character doesn't have it. His route stood outside the current logic and characterization of the world, and I have no desire to restructure the foundation of the world to make a tragic romance that wouldn't satisfy players for the amount of effort and time they put in.

For those reasons Kai is better as a side character than a love interest. :)