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A member registered Sep 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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I thought of two options 

1) Kill of Ise and make them come together through that lost/them trying to find a way to fix things.

2)Create a new protagonists specifically for Kai in a dlc or make it an extra.

3) Nothing is impossible in the realms of creativity!!!

P.S. Is Ceres Awle completely available yet? He is my FAVE!!!!!

can it be used for commercial use?

okay thank you so much!

I’m having trouble getting the file/background pics what app would you suggest to use? I have a windows 10 laptop

(1 edit)

I bought the full price and just wanted to say after only finishing one of Tian Zhaos’s (golden dragon boy) route I was very VERY disappointed story wise it was sad but play through wise didn’t tell you much and when it did you are already halfway through the game or the advice pops up somewhere where they don’t tell you in advance shouldn’t the advice such as you can visit a place more than once be in the help options not randomly placed on a loading screen WORST OF ALL during the ending of said route idk if it was a glitch or what but there was like a big red square hiding some of the words and it happened during key moments first I could only read half of the box of words and it would come off and on again so it kinda broke the magic to the game and just made it frustrating btw there was ANOTHER GLITCH OR SOMETHING that fast forwarded ep 1 and a part of ep 2 as well(:’(

ALL IN ALLL I’m thankful I bought this game on sale bc $20 wouldn’t be worth it even if you fixed those problems mentioned above!Please keep in mind that I have only play one route so far. But if another romance option hides word from the text box at the end again I will completely give up on this game! ( ¥ _ ¥)

Um I was curious when you click on the characters what does the blinking heart mean because some have different places?

The best damn game I've ever played along side Aloners XD only wish that the ending didn't feel pushed/forced a little too short but the ending was still good.