Kaz: ...Well, neither of us are alive now.
Don: true. But. Go to heaven they said, it'll fix you, they said, IT'LL BE FUCKING FUN, THEY SAID! Where am I now? In a grave yard shouting at a fucking grave stone. Fucking mental shit.
Kaz:...You want to know why I'm on Earth? I got exiled. The f*cking prince of hell, son of Satan. Trapped on Earth.
Don: looks like we're both in deep shit huh.
Kaz: Yeah. Deep shit.
Don: look what they wrote on my grave stone. "Serves him Right for being gay" what a nice reminder that I'm an outsider in this shit ho,e of a city.
Kaz:...Oh you too?
Don: What? Being gay?
Kaz: Yep. Drives my dad nuts.
Don: pfft. What an idiot.