ok so apparently it was because i didnt set map as a variable but now it just doesnt do anything
here is the new one
var character = {
x: 60,
y: 60
var oldpos = {
oldx: 60,
oldy: 60
var background = getMap("map");
exports.update = function () {
if (background.get(character.x, character.y) ==! null) character.x = oldpos.oldx;
if (background.get(character.x, character.y) ==! null) character.y = oldpos.oldy;
oldpos.oldx = character.x;
oldpos.oldy = character.y;
if (btn.right) character.x += 1;
if (btn.left) character.x -= 1;
if (btn.up) character.y -= 1;
if (btn.down) character.y += 1;
draw(background, 0, 0);
sprite(206, character.x, character.y);
I think you are mixing pixel position (sprite and draw) and tile position (background.get). You need to convert pixel to tile by dividing the pixel coordinates by the tile sizes (available from settings.tileSize). Or, inversely, if you want your character to move in tile increments, modify the last line as follow:|
sprite(206, character.x * settings.tileSize.width, character.y * settings.tileSize.height);