thanks, they do move backwards faster when the driver dies, my strategy is usually to be directly behind the car when i jump so its easier to hit em.
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yeah i realized at some point that i should make it so the game pauses a bit before restarting, and then forgot
if you really want to keep track of your score i suppose you could record and then play through that recording until you find the exact point you died
and if i do touch this again in the future probably going to be the first thing i fix
Didn't even touch it at all and Index.js somehow has an error and now my project doesnt work
index.js:2628 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_isSprite' of undefined
at Texture.draw (index.js:2628)
at pixelbox.draw (index.js:4504)
at Object.21.pixelbox/TileMap (index.js:4263)
at o (index.js:4)
at index.js:4
at onAssetsLoaded (index.js:4583)
at onAssetLoaded (index.js:3944)
at Image.img.onload (index.js:3817)
here is the new one
var character = {
x: 60,
y: 60
var oldpos = {
oldx: 60,
oldy: 60
var background = getMap("map");
exports.update = function () {
if (background.get(character.x, character.y) ==! null) character.x = oldpos.oldx;
if (background.get(character.x, character.y) ==! null) character.y = oldpos.oldy;
oldpos.oldx = character.x;
oldpos.oldy = character.y;
if (btn.right) character.x += 1;
if (btn.left) character.x -= 1;
if (btn.up) character.y -= 1;
if (btn.down) character.y += 1;
draw(background, 0, 0);
sprite(206, character.x, character.y);
var character = {
x: 60,
y: 60
var oldpos = {
oldx: 60,
oldy: 60
var background = getMap("map");
exports.update = function () {
if (map.get(character.x, character.y) != null) character.x == oldpos.oldx;
if (map.get(character.x, character.y) != null) character.y == oldpos.oldy;
oldpos.oldx == character.x;
oldpos.oldy == character.y;
if (btn.right) character.x += 1;
if (btn.left) character.x -= 1;
if (btn.up) character.y -= 1;
if (btn.down) character.y += 1;
draw(background, 0, 0);
sprite(206, character.x, character.y);