Hey Silkisoft!
Yes - make sure there's a good story, that each character has their own personality, and that the sex is integrated into the story. Give players a good amount of choices so that they can control gameplay. Only release when you've already made a substantial amount of the game [2-3 updates worth of SpaceCorps is a good start - your first release will set the tone for the future and get eyes on your game]. Always engage with players - you are building a community as well as making a game, and they will alert you to any bugs and give you invaluable advice and feedback [players are literally your greatest asset].
For making money you may want to avoid some of the choices I made. Don't have as many kinks and characters as I do, the most successful games have vanilla sex + 1 or 2 kinks and only a couple of branches. My way adds a lot of extra work, and means fans will not always get what they want in each update. Disregard this if - like me - the plethora of options is part of your vision!
Most of all, be aware that making a game is a huge amount of work - you can expect to devote 10 hours a day, 7 days a week to it. You can still make games in less time, but you will generally not make much money from these.