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this game is not good

i hate to be harsh to a game made in a game jam but this seems like a game hastily programmed together with forgettable levels that blend together, bad physics, and an art style that is clearly taking random unity assets and mashing them together

if this was game submitted right at the end i would understand maybe the dev didnt have enough time but this was submitted very early so i think if this game wasn't rushed out early it could be decent

i would recommend adding a variable jump height to the game (a jump is shorter if you just tap the jump button then i you hold it) and make a few better levels as well

Yup, not only that the pixel art is incorrect, there is a bounch of diffrent styles varrying from carooney pixelart to rougher pixelart etc plus he breaks the rules cause he used pre made assets

"RULE CLARIFICATION: You can use any pre-made art, code, fonts, sounds... just make sure to say that you did so in your game's credits. You'll likely get a poor rating in such categories, but only out of fairness for those who made what you didn't from scratch. :)" I read this before I started

I see. Preatty sure he said that assets arent allowed but i saw that too. You could have probably done better than this

premade assets are allowed


Yes yes as i said "i saw that too". I know