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Motor Drive

A member registered May 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh no it should work with controller its just it uses the d pad because i didnt know how to do joystick controls

The concept and use of limitation of this one is really cool to me and the physics feel nice enough

great work

i think a game based on global warming is cool but i think the gameplay while kinda fun for a little while because of the stomp feeling a bit impactful is a bit too repetitive

also in terms of presentation its pretty hit or miss the sprites individually are pretty nice but it feels a bit inconsistent visually along side menus being kinda ugly

good work though

I really like the presentation and concept but im just not a big fan of dungeon crawler/ top down stuff in general

great work though i can see this being enjoyable for someone who likes the genre more

I really like the presentation of it and the atmosphere is nice

great job

This one is really fun and i really like the concept a lot

Great job

i was contemplating giving this a 1 in limitation because it seemed completely unrelated but then i realised it meant musical score and thats really cool so 5 stars

also the game is pretty fun, good work

love the artstyle and concept but i think how the jump feels a little unresponsive hinders my enjoyment a lot

other than that well done i really like this one

I really like the concept and use of the limitation, how it controlled could be improved but thats about the extent of my issues with it

great job

you nailed it visually and i really like the concept but the game is too easy since you can just spam the space bar

overall pretty good, well done

This is pretty decent

i really like the concept of the game and the use of the limitation, the artstyle is pretty good outside of how almost every aspect has a different size of pixel, keeping that consistent between almost everything would help the visual style a lot. the gameplay is good enough for what its going for but i think stirring could feel more responsive

good work

sorry no, even if i wanted to i dont think gamemaker has at all got the ability to build to stuff like that

other member of team crab punch here

They have different speeds and health

-Art guy

theres 3

also thanks

ill leave some games here for ideas i guess


shovel knight

deltarune/ Undertale


Crash bandiccoot

this is really hectic and i love it

good job

i think this is the best use of the limitation and theme ive seen so far

also i beat the final level with like less than a second remaining

good work

this is a really good one 

nice presentation

nice gameplay

good concept

just generally good

like art and stuff

its really blurry to me

I think this one is a decent game and i do have a lot to say about it so this will probably be the longest comment i will leave on any of these games

firstly some positives

i do think the sprites re nice but i do have more to say later

the concept is good and coincidently me and you both had a similar concept just with very different genres and such 

and i do think the use of the limitation is done well


the sprites are nice but they clash way too much, I'm not going to use the point of its from an asset pack as a negative because not everyone can make sprites well but the artstyles of the sprites are too different and i noticed it way too much, another problem with the sprites is the sizes of the pixels on each sprite is inconsistent which makes somethings look really ugly

nice game

i did enjoy this quite a bit but i do think the presentation could use some work

one of my favourites of this jam so far

nice graphics 

great concept

nice job

actually that is the inspiration for the art style 

dadish slaps

i feel like more people would enjoy this if the game ran a lot better because this is an ok 3d platformer thing but the framerate probably ruins it for other people

i did enjoy this game aside from that tho

this game is great but the only category it falls flat on for me is the use of limitation

the timer feels like it makes the game worse

aside from that good graphics, i love the concept and i enjoyed the game quite a bit

i like this one

nice graphics

simple but good concept 

nice work

this is pretty good

i really liked the visuals and the idea was really creative

the gameplay is pretty fun but i wish there was music (there might have been but its either im really deaf or its just too quiet)

great game

i think my only problem is the game is a bit short but it is a game jam game thats not much of a complaint

this is the only game ive given a perfect 5 stars in every category

really fun gameplay

nice visuals

the music and sounds slap 

overall this is great

this game is really good

nice gameplay

good looking graphics

nice audio

overall its just nice

i see where your coming from but i other games when they try that don't keep the blurriness of older games like toree 3d which you probably haven't heard of

this a quite calming game

the visuals are alright and somehow the differing pixel sizes don't make the game look garbage

audio is quite nice and its weirdly satisfying to spam the button because of the sound

and the game is also quite creative despite being literally just a button

good job

i think this game is quite good

gameplay is quite relaxing despite this being about destroying a ton of buildings

visuals is the biggest problem in my opinion this would be a 4 if there wasnt a filter or something making it look really pixelated and blurry

audio is nice and calm

and the idea is creative

good job

i feel like this was a game that wasn't really designed with the theme in mind because everything feels weirdly clunky i guess

other than that the visuals are nice and the sound effects are good

good job

good game

the visuals are a bit hit or miss since the track and background look not great but i like the sprite stacking or whatever it is you used for the car

the music is alright and the gameplay is good

good job

this ones pretty good

nice graphics

fun gameplay

overall its just good

this took a bit to learn but once i did this is really fun

the game is quite difficult but that isnt a bad thing at all

i do think that if this ended up being an actual game i think having a separate jump button would be good but it is the theme of the jam to have one button so its not much of a complaint

the sprite work is alright its just that there isnt much of a consistent art style

otherwise great job


also sure