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This was a great experience and I'm excited to do it again! But not to get too far ahead of myself:  a simple post mortem:


The platforming is fine but my proudest bit is the code that renders the text into the platforms. Yes, the reading mechanism was uninspired but the logic that determines which block is displayed is all me baby!!! Rote combinations to determine the testible surrounding positions of each block? That's not your mama's situational awareness! Lastly, my boy Mikey, who spans three screens and is always in sync (also lets give it up to switching screens by making platforms on other screens invisible and intangible)

Also throwback to when I accidentally overwrote my files but one by one rescued them (including the level data... that feel when you bang out 20 screens of game in 3 hours)


Namely? The exporting!!! I can't distribute the file in the way it is now, and finally to vent my anger, I will list the shortcomings of each method I looked at:

1. pyinstaller. Won't give me a functioning app, may have something to do with incompatibility to python 3.6

2.cx_Freeze. obsolete. incompatible with Python 3

3. py2app. I don't remember but it didn't work for some reason. May warrant a retest.

4. pyj2d and pyjs. old and also incompatible with pygame

I think the only way to rectify this issue at this point is try to make my gamefile backwards compatible with an older version of python (2.7 probably) then go from there.

Also, no audio was implemented, but this was due to me being preoccupied with the exporting issue and not having the time to do this supplementary task

but we aren't going to have these problems next jam. WE'LL HAVE BETTER AND BADDER PROBLEMS