Don: Look at me Kaz. Look at me. You may be a terrible idiot. But you're my terrible idiot. And I'm not any better. So if it's gonna be terrible. Let's be terrible together. You are not alone in this Kaz. You have me. I'm here for you.
Kaz grabs you and hugs you tightly. He's still crying a little
Kaz: whispers ...thank you...
Don: *he hugs you back* anytime...
Kaz eventually stops crying. He pulls away and wipes away his tears with the back of his hand
Don: you feeling better?
Kaz: I-yeah...
Don: *he smiles*
Kaz smiles back '
Kaz:...anyway, what do you want to do now?
Don: I don't know... do you want to do anything?
Kaz shrugs want to go get a drink? Or...several?