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Great game. The art was good, the dialogue was well written (although the part with the protag waking up and being fixated on her shoes was kind of weird) and I'm always down for any story with interesting philosophical questions.

I'll also check out the John Locke essay you mentioned in your postmortem. I find the topic of determinism to be interesting, if only because I don't inherently understand or agree with it. The idea that the hands of God or fate control all of our actions makes sense, but I don't understand why it would matter. If the choices I make, like going to eat an apple or choosing to downloading a game on itchio with a cute anime girl on the front, are indistinguishable between free will and the will of a higher power, and if they still lead to me living a happy and fulfilled life, then why would one be any better, or any different, from the other?


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! 

I think free will or fate* being "better" is a matter of preference. To some people, determinism being confirmed would cause severe distress, while to others it wouldn't matter at all. That value judgment is therefore purely subjective.

But I would still say there is a big general difference between the two. People who believe in true free will see themselves as having the power to genuinely change the world. That their decisions alter the course of history from what it otherwise would've been. Meanwhile, to determinists, there was never an "alternate history" to begin with. We never truly "change" anything; we're just following a path that was already set in stone from the beginning of the universe. I hope that helped you understand the question of determinism a little better!

*I'm using "fate" as a short-hand for "predetermined history of the universe due to laws of nature" or whatever other scientific explanation for determinism one wants to give. Determinists typically don't believe in "fate" in a religious or spiritual sense. Those who do are called fatalists. There is actually quite an interesting debate between determinists and fatalists as well, so I'd look that term up if you're interested!