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Sam: . . .

Damien: I-I'm such an idiot...

(2 edits)

Sam: . . -he rests his head on his knees, hiding his face- -he's . . Glowing with heat?? He looks very mad-

Damien looks up 

Damien: I-what...what are you...? 

Sam: I already told you before.  -he's not looking at you-

Damien falls back and holds up his hands 

Damien: Hey-don't-

Sam: don't what?? -he looks at you confused, and he stops glowing-

Damien breathes a sigh of relief and stands up, brushing himself off should go. Get far, far away from this town and lay low. 

Sam: I can't. If I do my mom would kill me, literaly. If not that something worse. -he twitches-

Damien: I-shit... 

He runs a hand through his hair 

Damien: How good are you in a fight?