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Damien falls back and holds up his hands 

Damien: Hey-don't-

Sam: don't what?? -he looks at you confused, and he stops glowing-

Damien breathes a sigh of relief and stands up, brushing himself off should go. Get far, far away from this town and lay low. 

Sam: I can't. If I do my mom would kill me, literaly. If not that something worse. -he twitches-

Damien: I-shit... 

He runs a hand through his hair 

Damien: How good are you in a fight? 

Sam: it depend on who it is, or where we are.

Damien's panicking

Damien: What about...big, scary experienced monster hunters who kill supernatural beings and sell their body parts on the black market? Could you take those? Could you take those when they came to my apartment looking to kill both of us? Can you handle that-

Sam: only if use my pOweRs. But I made a promise to my dad not to use them.

I gtg for a bit I have to play with my sister.


did yoU get thIs

( I am back human)

Sam: :T

Damien runs his hands through his hair, shaking

Damien: Well what's more important: Keeping a promise to your dad or STAYING ALIVE!?

Sam: -he starts glowing again- WELL I DONT KNOW! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF EVERYONE IN YOUR FUCKING FAMILY HATED YOU FOR NOT BEING PERFECT EXCEPT YOUR DAD WHO IS A FRICKING ANGEL THAT NEVER VISITS YOU!!- -he makes a gasp and covers his mouth, and immediently stop glowing- i- . .