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Sam: -he starts glowing again- WELL I DONT KNOW! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF EVERYONE IN YOUR FUCKING FAMILY HATED YOU FOR NOT BEING PERFECT EXCEPT YOUR DAD WHO IS A FRICKING ANGEL THAT NEVER VISITS YOU!!- -he makes a gasp and covers his mouth, and immediently stop glowing- i- . .

Damien laughs bitterly. He points at his eye

Damien: You wanna know where these scars came from, asshole? My own father tried to cut my eye out after he saw what that...thing did to me. He told me I was an abomination. Unnatural. The guy tried to EXORCISE me. And when that didn't work, do you know what he did? HE KICKED ME OUT. And my mom? Oh yeah, she died when I was born, guess she didn't want to have to put up with her f*cking shitshow of a family- 

(Me: -laughing like a donkey- this dude has no idea of everything Sammy boi has been through thats like half or a quarter of his story. Lol . . Sorry I just realized that sounded rude.)

Sam: -he just stands there expressionless and quiet and eventually says- im sorry I ever started talking . . Lets go home its probably midnight or something.

(Oh that's not everything that happened to Damien either, that's the SPARKNOTES SUMMARY.)               

Damien glares at you 

Damien:...yeah, let's go...

(We shall be so evil and only give clues for the whole story to each other 😈 nothing like a good cliffhanger)

-once you get to the door of the apartment and open it Max is there meowing nonstop-

Sam: -he goes to feed max, and max follows-

Damien looks around cautiously 

Sam: . . I know now's not the time to ask but uh . . Where am I sleeping? should I sleep on the floor or the couch or . . Where?

Damien: You can have my bed-I don't tend to sleep much anyway. 

Sam: i- ok then. -twitches- should I go to bed now or . . -lol s o awkward-

Damien stiffens and presses his hand over Sam's mouth