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Thank you so much for your feedback, I am really appreciated.

The hardest part to make a beat'em up with PGMMV is picking up the enemies, carrying them in hand, then throwing them back on the floor while keep track of their HP. Second is when punching the enemies, I force them to turn and face the character in order to knock them back in the right direction. It took me quite some time to figure out how to do it. Well, I am not a programmer, so I didn't use any custom script. The whole game is made with the basic functions from the engine.

I agree that the game has areas that needed to be polished. For the jumping animation, I did it exactly the same as the sample comes with the engine. I use a empty animation for the jump motion, then generate the kick animation as a child object. For the animation setting, I leave it at "none", I will try set it to "linear" and will see if it gets better. For the boss AI, I know I need to fix it, lol.

On my to-do list, I still have to do the stage select, respawn, collect special items to unlock more playable characters, multiplayer support, story cutscene, ending, and many more.

Well, it is my first game, and I want it to look good and fun although it is quite challenging.


This Japanese PGMMV developer I follow on Twitter is doing a very elaborate beat 'em up project.
You might be interested in seeing, he does use a lot of syntax I believe:

That's funny you mention that as the biggest challenge for you, I had the same issue in my submission since there's a grapple mechanic. The solution I ended up going with was using attack detections with attribute changes so that a specific value would be checked to indicate a grab (while a different one indicated getting attacked). But there's a small caveat, sometimes that 'grab' attack detection seems to kill an enemy instead of grabbing them, if the collision happens on a very tiny frame window. So it works most of the time, not all the time. Which is unfortunate, but I couldn't figure out a different approach that actually worked. Was your solution different?

Coma State Eden (my submission to the 2019 PGMMV Game Dev Challenge) is like that for me. Honestly with any art or craft, if you want to make something good it's going to be really hard and time consuming. There's lots of details and you can't ever ignore a good idea. It's definitely worth it though, you have to make something you would actually play the hell out of. That's when the work turns out better and you're having a lot of fun.

hello how are you? I'm trying to figure out how to make enemies stand still while I'm punching them and fly back and hit the ground when I land the final attack of my combo.  This is in pixel game maker mv.

For standing still while being hit, in the enemy's objects page, at the being hit action box, turn on the "ignore move input during motion and ignore direction change during motion"

For knockback, it is a little complicated, and there are multiple ways to achieve it. Below is one of the solutions. 
1. Create a switch for the enemy, something like "knockback".
2. Add "lock object" to your player's attack action, turn on "lock objects touched by this object's attack detection."
3. In your player's final attack action, add "change switch/variable", select "change switch", "locked object", turn on the enemy "knockback" switch.
4. In the enemy's being hit action box, add a link to the knockback box, in the link add "switch/variable changes" select "object self", "knockback" is "on"
5. In the knockback action box, add "move towards display direction" and then set how many pixels you want the enemy to move, and select "move in reverse direction"
6. Add "release lock" for your player
7. Turn off the knockback switch at the end of your enemy's knockback

So basically your player character needs to know which enemy he is hitting, then at the end of the combo, turn on the locked enemy's knockback switch, so the enemy knows when to knockback.

You can also achieve the knockback function by using "variable" or attribute in "attack settings".

Hope this helps,


thanks. You are the first to help and I'm thankful because I didn't know what else to do. So a beat em up is possible with the right help. Thanks again 

you are welcome. Try watch the tutorial created by baz from the link below.

Thanks again.  Did you create your own pixel art for that game? If so it looks incredible.  Do you make custom characters for games  if so?

Yes, I create all the pixel art for my game. I am a pixel art hobbyist with zero programming background. Unfortunately, I don't do art for other games.

how did you make your character walk up and down on the stages? I can only walk left to right 

You probably choose the wrong game type. Make sure you select "top view action". Or you may open the beat 'em up game sample and see how they create the game.

Hello. Do you have a ideal how to grab a enemy and throw them?

is there anyway to use multiple sprite sheets for a single character in pixel game maker?

Yes, you can. In animations > animation settings > register animation resources. You can add multiple sprites sheets.

Btw, you can use "change object" function to change you character too. Like when your character obtain an item then transform to another character.