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Pretty dang awesome, though I feel like not many will play due to the boring-looking menu screenshot you've posted. Gameplay feels good, and the tradeoff of losing health vs killing enemies is a creative one that makes for some interesting gameplay moments!

I will note, there's a huge difficulty spike when you get to the boss: the game could use some levels to pad out the difficulty curve, or perhaps if that's not possible then the boss needs to be made easier. 

Reminds me a lot of THOTH, this one. Great game! This is the best rating I've given to a game so far.

Thank you for the response and the rating, very appreciated :)

Good thing I changed the screenshot because I agree that it looked too boring to catch people's attention.

I saw the difficulty spike as well and it actually kind of made it fun compared to if it was too easy. 

But yeah, we should add more levels to get the player used to the spike.

THOTH looks very fun, it does remind me of that game a bit.