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A member registered Oct 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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I got bon'd

Most of the systems for collisions and agents and whatnot were premade (since I use them in basically every project I make), so the actual content only took about two days - I spent most of the jam just hemming and hawing over what mechanics to add. The basic player movement and the mechanic of bomb-laying were made on the first day in about 6 hours, while the biggest main level, all of the sounds, and the music were made in the 4 hours right before the deadline.

Holy moly, this game's great. Music's good to listen to, the art looks good (especially for only using two colors), and the puzzles are just the right amount of difficult. Level 9, especially, took me a bit - but then was quite satisfying when I figured it out. 

Some minor criticisms: first, the game is a bit laggy. I expect the player to move instantaneously, but the wee bit of lag I get makes it not feel very good in that regard.

Secondly (and take this less as a criticism and more as a suggestion, for if you ever continue this), it's not always easy to tell what an enemy is about to do next turn. Some visual indicators (such as facing the direction it's about to go) would be nice in that regard. Once I stuck around the level for a bit I was always able to figure out their patterns, but I'd like to be able to figure them out without waiting for them to do their whole loop.

Today I killed a crab. Twice.

Today was a good day.

Pretty dang awesome, though I feel like not many will play due to the boring-looking menu screenshot you've posted. Gameplay feels good, and the tradeoff of losing health vs killing enemies is a creative one that makes for some interesting gameplay moments!

I will note, there's a huge difficulty spike when you get to the boss: the game could use some levels to pad out the difficulty curve, or perhaps if that's not possible then the boss needs to be made easier. 

Reminds me a lot of THOTH, this one. Great game! This is the best rating I've given to a game so far.

Overall, your game was pretty bloody fantastic. Platforming felt good (though a bit floaty), and visually it looked pretty spectacular.

I have two gripes: one, your story didn't grab me. I read a few of the dialogue lines at the start, but when the text for me to read was larger than the screen itself, I phased out and just walked past it, it wasn't worth the effort of reading it.

Two: in the falling section with the spikes, there were times where I couldn't see which platform beneath me I was supposed to jump to next - I was on the lowest platform that didn't have spikes on it, and I couldn't see any way downward. I'd recommend either making the screen taller for this section, or positioning the camera below the player during this part.

Overall, once again, game's flipping fantastic. Smooth as butter.

My main critique: the first room after the tutorial was really hard. 

Part of that was due to me not being able to see the enemies, while they were still able to shoot at me. I'd recommend you zoom the camera out a lot, so that enemies can only target the player if they're currently on screen.

Concept was a good one, and I'm sure I'm going to see a lot of games in this genre.

The best part, I'd say, was your sound design along with game feel. There was just a little bit of screen shake, and that was enough to make shooting feel good.