A great clean presentation and experience of a do things in the right order puzzler. Importantly the movement and physics feels just right too for this, so it doesn't become tiring when you fail at the puzzle and have to restart. Game feels very much complete and enjoyable.
- My favorite part is the level select screen's 9.
Well also how all the elements came together to make the puzzles engaging to try and parse all in one screen. They were challenging but good to try and play out even after you worked out the steps, only trying to jump off the very end of a block being awkward sometimes.
- I'm not sure the greyscale level was necessary. It's nice to give the levels a theme, but you already had 'use your head' there which could have worked just as well as the main text. It just made it more difficult to try and parse the level, which as written above was one of the things I liked the presentation.
I also don't understand the purpose of that first post-epilepsy warning flashing. Even to set the tone of the game, there's the nice blue/yellow text flash in each level that isn't worrying. It just made the start of the experience feel a bit awkward, when the rest was so comfortable.