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This is a cool concept, and I really like the artwork! Unfortunately I couldn't get the grappling hook to work, but that may have just been me, tried left/right click. I am on Windows though so may have been that. Love the animation and sounds as well though so great job overall, and really like the grappling idea :)


Hi, did you press on the yellow blocks, as they are the only thing you can grapple with? Otherwise that is an odd bug nobody else has encountered

Ah no sorry I didn't realise that! Assumed you'd be able to do it everywhere! I'll give it another go :)


You're right it does work perfectly, I was just being a moron! It's really cool once I get it working, actually quite like that you can phase through the walls when you're grappling, adds an extra element to the challenge haha :) Great job!


(Btw the grappling hook only works on certain blocks, you should be able to figure which ones when you play it. They do have a different tile/texture) :)