Really wholesome and relaxing, even if you didn't create the assets, you did a wonderful job putting everything together with your narrative. The music especially is super fitting, and the interpretation of the theme is really unique :)
I think the game could've used a little more polish on the dialogue interface, there are many animals out there and it would've been nice to know which ones I can / can't interact with, the "speak" text was a bit finicky (for instance reading the comments I guess you were able to interact with the chihuahua barking but I just couldn't ). Maybe adding an outline to the animal model if the raycast hits it? And also using a big box collider instead of the character's model to give more leeway to the raycast. Also it would've been great if you could click again to show all the dialogue at once (and make you give it up at some point? ;) ), the text speed felt a bit too slow for me, but I stuck through. Finally, having a prompt to give you the choice to give up control or not could really add to the experience, because just clicking to say yes doesn't really feel like giving my consent lol
That was a lot of possibly negative feedback, but that's only because I see what you were trying to go for, and the potential for this narrative is great! I'm just writing this in hope this will help you iron out the project, really cool experience nevertheless :)