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This one was pretty cool! I enjoyed the concept of NOT getting coins. That's an interesting twist and it was sometimes hard to resist grabbing them all. It would be nice to know how many coins I could get on each level - maybe a counter or something would help! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! I also thought that'd be a good idea but I kinda wanted the player to think "I have to grab as little coins as possible" and not "I can grab only 2 coins" if that makes any sense, but yeah some way to know would have been good


Maybe a score system rather than a hard gameover would help the player do their best! They would also avoid the "I can grab only 2 coins" feeling?

Anyway, this game felt great! The roomba controls were excellent! I hope you will try my game too!

I think that might make it a bit too easy, but it's certainly something I'd have in mind if I continue with it after the jam, so thanks! And I tried yours too!