I love this game! Did you make the art yourself or did you find it online? I love the art style and the little squishy animations.
I did run into a couple of bugs but nothing game breaking. My first playthrough my character's model didn't change directions until I got into the fight against the slimes. The model would move the right way but keep facing forward and somehow when I beat the game and it restarted the model was fixed.
On my second playthrough when the model fixed itself I had some layering issues where walking up to a door would put my character model below the house but I understand how frustrating layers can be lol.
I was also able to kind of cheese the bee by hitting him up against one of the rocks and trapping him there where I could just spam stab him with the sword.
Disregarding all of that I love so many things about this game. The art is great, the little squishy animation is great (Although the enemies could use some more animation), the music is great, everything is great haha. You had good feedback by using sound effects when the enemies were hit even though there was no visual cue besides a slight knockback I knew when I was hitting the enemy.
I also love how the first fight against the slimes is kind of a tutorial/warmup to prepare you for the bee fight where you have to deal with the slimes at the same time. You also did a great job incorporating the theme and the story was great.
Overall a really cute and fun game. I hope you continue making games like this in the future :)
Edit: Just saw on the game page that you credited the asset makers so disregard my question about whether or not you made the art lol.