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(1 edit) (+1)

I am truly sorry. I should have mentioned about the arrow. First the second player(one with arrow keys controls) should reach there. Then if you enter it again you should be able to switch scenes. To sum up, both players should be inside the arrow and if it doesn't work try entering again. Please confirm if this error was solved.

I see. I was under the impression that the second player was only needed if you decided go play multiplayer so I only moved player 1. I’ll download the game again after work and update my review if it works. Thanks for the reply.


So I downloaded the game again and having player two there fixed the problem and put me through to the next level. Personally I think it's really tedious trying to control both players at once so I think there should be an option to play single player but still a cool game


I thought about that but it made it more difficult to play single player while controlling both the players at once and constantly moving the camera to see the other player. This feature improves team coordination in multiplayer and hand coordination in single player mode. That is why I didn't make a separate  feature/mode for single player