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Congratulations on finishing the game.

I think the graphics sells the kind of creepy atmosphere that I think the game intends to give. However, just a tip for next time, try keeping the pixels the same size throughout the whole game. I think the pixels for the keys are way bigger than the pixels for the character and environment.

A little bit curious but how exactly does your game fit the theme? I was kind of hoping I could find some information in the description but unfortunately it seems the description is in Russian or something... I unfortunately couldn't finish the game so maybe I missed how this game fits the theme.

Also... it seems... this game has neither sound nor music? I think you shouldn't leave this next time -- at least add some quick sounds. And the movement is a little bit too slow and slippery -- is there a reason why you made the character continue moving when moving midair? (^_^;

Thank you, but the game is still far from completion, because I didn't have time to add music, I hope everything will come with experience. As for graphics, I will take your advice. about the topic, since I am not strong in English, it was hard to understand the topic of jam, since the translator in Google does not always translate correctly, I realized that the topic is related to a "secret" therefore this is the name, since I was in a hurry to create the game, because I spent a lot of time on the idea, because I didn't even know what
to do, I missed a lot of points that I will not repeat in future jams (I mean music, sounds, and that the game does not reach its logical end). But the character moves in the air, because I played some platformers, and I remembered that the character was moving in the air, so the idea was to implement it. I hope everything is clear, as I am writing via Google translator.
(5 edits) (+1)

Oh wow. I see

Unfortunately... the theme has nothing to do with secrets... The theme is "Less is More" (^_^;

Tried reading the description and I think you are Russian since I know "привет" means "hi" and "я" means "I" in Russian... (Spasiba, Duolingo)

So... I also tried using Google translate to Russian and this is what I got:

Тема: «Меньше значит больше»

I hope this helps (^_^;

Я не могу говорит по Русский... Русский очень трудна

wow, that's how wrong with the topic
: D you were good at speaking Russian