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Ran d'Reille

A member registered May 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Amazing art yo really loved it. The gameplay too is an interesting take on the theme.

Pretty hard though and unfortunately since there is not much time left I only play a little (died on the first boss 2 minutes in once those orange spikes come I said nope -.-)

The use of the theme is definitely very creative.

However, I don't think I can play this properly at this current state lol. Consider introducing the concepts little by little; with much, MUCH easier first boss that maybe first throw only one type of notes and really slowly, before ramping up the difficulty for the latter bosses. When you throw everything straight away new players are gonna get overwhelmed D:

Thanks for playing

For those unaware, the BGM for this game, which I recycled from my previous project, was made by this person.

Thanks for the feedback! Putting a separate button to let go of the captured bullets definitely seem like a good idea!

Thanks for the feedback!

I definitely considered simply making the bullets just fly directly to the boss when I made the game. I decided not to because I was thinking ahead beyond this jam and say what if I make this a regular metroidvania -- then allowing you to direct the bullets yourself makes more sense. I also considered making one of the boss fights be against multiple bosses, although because coding the health bar would be hell I decided against it.

Thanks for playing!

Oof WITH A TOUCHPAD!?!?!? You have got some screws loose mate hahaha and of course the third boss is absolutely impossible with a touchpad; it is hard enough with a mouse!

Thanks for playing! I will try to check your game later

(1 edit)

Godot user neat!

Took me a while to figure out how it worked, but once I did I had fun. The bosses slowly get harder, and by the time I reached the scorpion I was ready to give up but somehow defeated it... the spider though............ nah no thanks. And if I interpret this gameover screenshot correctly I assume there is yet another boss and just seeing the design I know how much I would hate fighting it. Can't believe you managed to make so many bosses XP

Overall I think this is a very strong submission gameplay wise. The sounds though, are abominations D:

P.S.: OH CRAP I only noticed how the gear arms relate to how the bosses move after reading the other comments! Very cool!

Took me a while to figure out the concept; so you need to recharge your speed periodically to survive huh XP

Good work! Unpolished, but may have some potential. My biggest complain is how way too thick the boss is (hence why I decided to only play one boss sorry!)

Just making sure... is the Creator the final boss? I reached a room with a computer without any way to progress further (unless I missed sth)

This is obviously a high effort submission; the musics are rad, and the bosses are all so unique. Very awesome submission!

Some critiques however:

  • May want to put the list of controls somewhere in game. Although I knew for sure I should be able to use the other three attacks at the bottom right, in the end I didn't figure it out until after I defeated the Creator.
  • Well the fact that it is so easy to defeat all of the bosses with just the basic attacks say something about the balance... although I do prefer easier games :3
  • The third boss Marionette was so, so laggy! D:

Love the art. The concept of the bosses are quite unique, though when distilled down to the gameplay boss 1 and 2 are almost the same.

Gameplay wise... um... I think it is awkward how the bosses can only be attacked when they are directly horizontal to the side, I personally feel it would be nicer if say there is a way to shoot upward or downward Metal Slug style.

Good work!

Thanks for the feedback!

When I made my Exit-8 game (for a submission to a jam that is not mine) I made it 60-40 (60 for anomaly)... no specific reasons for those numbers just instinct I guess; but I too felt 50-50 was too low of a probability occuring.

In my head I also made two distinct categories for the anomalies: the obvious anomalies and the subtle anomalies. So, in the gameplay, the probability is more like 40% normal occurence, 30% obvious anomaly, and 30% subtle anomaly; which felt fair in my guts.

In most Exit-8 games there are also the deadly anomalies (I didn't make it for my submission back then because I didn't have enough time)

Anyway, probably there is no right answer until you try making it and getting people to test for them. Good luck!

Thanks for playing!

I will play/review your game tomorrow, during the weekend

Thanks for playing and the suggestion!

There are a few parameters that determine the difficulty of circling a bullet; doing half spins will definitely make it easier, but Ig for jam purpose to make it fully obvious that "hey I am interpreting this theme" full circle was the only choice I had.

The other way to make capturing easier is to reduce the minimum radius (if you look at the prompt there is an inner circle, such that if you try to circle smaller than that you can't)... I tried to make it not too small so it's not too easy, but Ig I made it too hard instead

Thanks for playing!

(Will check out submissions to this jam maybe on Saturday)

Thanks for playing mate :3

The abrupt ending... let's just say I coded the "death animation" in the last hour I had and I forgot to 1) remove bullets and stop attacks after the boss starts dying and 2) add the final explosion sound.

And then y'know the whole ordeal that happened on that very day so I couldn't really update it anymore even if I wanted to.

Thanks for playing!

The metal attacks were created in response to earlier feedbacks that before the jump button was pretty much useless lol; for that one ain't so bad once I figured out the correct timing to jump

Bruh lol

Insiders may understand but this response is seen by many ppl y'know; those who may not understand

Thanks for playing!

I can imagine the rocks being nasty; but I personally found the wood tentacles to be far harder lol. There is this technique called streaming for dodging aimed bullets (or in this case, rocks), often used in bullet hell genre.

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The system I built is very reusable so I can add another boss easily if I want to; but I have other ideas for my next project(s)

More than the blue (water) balls I personally hate the wood tentacles more lol. Yea I created them I know, but I hate them so much.

Thanks for playing!

Now do a no damage run >:)

Even I can't do a no damage run the second half is admittedly kinda unfair

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah so this game called Exit 8?  It is so good it spawned many clones including this one; and this one more or less follows the formula to the T just without the anomalies that are much harder to find.

Ok I finally found the second ending. I heard the third one is very hard though so I think I won't bother XP

Two of the subtlest ones are:

  • The toilets get swapped
  • The posters have no pins

The second one gets even me from time to time when I forget to check XDDD

I think I need a hint. How do I get the second ending?

After defeating dog boss I got soft locked

Hey is this a bug? I don't know what triggered it but this is what happened:

  • This is the second playthrough; I did not refresh the game and clicked New Game normally
  • I shot at the mirrors in both bathrooms, interacting with the ghost and his eyes turned red
  • Not being able to find other interactions, I decided to proceed normally as per Ending 1 route and I noticed there is no phone in the dog boss room, thinking maybe I have triggered a different ending
  • After I defeated the dog though, I am now softlocked.
(1 edit)

Glad you enjoyed it. I think almost all of the anomalies are obvious EXCEPT for two; and one of them sometimes get even me when I don't pay attention.

Thanks for playing!

P.S. wellp this game basically follows the Exit 8 formula to the T so I think if any game deserves the praise it's that one; I only made an inferior clone of it lol

Ok finally retried it. Definitely far more fair than before. Will try again later for more endings (tho I think I need a hint)

Aha I will try it in maybe like 11 hours from now

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

I really like the art and the music. The story gets dark real quick lol

I have a feedback, and it is that the control is unintuitive. In my opinion it wouldn't hurt to combine all the buttons for interacting, talking, picking up items, and advancing dialogues into just one button.

I think this is a well made game, although personally at least the horror didn't really hit.

At some point it is closer to "way too hard" than "scary"... The dog boss fight is just plain unfair and that's where I threw the towel lol rather than getting scared if I have to be completely honest it got me irritated.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I wanted to add more interesting anomalies (in other Exit 8-likes there are usually some that will kill you if you mess around) but unfortunately I have been busy and so was pressed on time.

Thanks for playing! I will check the video once I get home from work!

I really like the character design; the pixel art looks cute! Still, different pixel sizes makes the game look unpolished. In general, pixel arts don't do well with scaling and rotation, so avoid them if possible for your future games.

For the gameplay, I think the gameplay design is creative, which is a brave move. With some polishing maybe it has potential.

Thank you for participating!

The art is good, and the music is rad; really love it!

The gameplay however... leaves a lot to be desired. First of all having to repeatedly press space over and over again is tiring; most SHMUPs shoot continuously. Secondly, the bullets fired by the enemies disappear when the enemy that shot said bullet die, and knowing the engine you used I know exactly what you did and how to fix it: you added the bullets as the child of whatever entity shot the bullet instead of as the child of the world or at least get_tree().get_root()

Thanks for participating!

Regarding the difficulty... let me add further fuel to your nightmare:

So after enough tries I managed to get to the second boss... and when I died there... well...

I got sent all the way back to the beginning lol

Yeah without bombs I am not doing this

I really like the aesthetics; the designs are good.

The difficulty however... I beat the first boss after trying enough, and then got to the second boss. Once I see that when you die in the second boss you get thrown back to the first one I quit. I demand either an easy mode or an infinite life mode :(

The combination of both bullet intensity and speed here only expects pros to be able to clear the game lol

Thanks for participating!