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Just wow.. such a cool game. It's hard to find anything, that could be improved, you pretty much nailed everything. I like how the colors of the menu buttons are the colors of a traffic light (I'm not even sure if it was intentional design).

I was a little unsure what the "24 of 24 orders complete" meant, did I complete 24 orders with 0 fails, or maybe 24 orders were the requirement for the level and I got at least 24 orders.

Anyway, incredible job :)


Thank you so much for the kind review! Traffic light was exactly what I was going for on the title screen, I think you’re the first to point it out though.

I made failing orders pretty tough, but it’s possible for one to expire (after 60 seconds). If you missed one, it is a pretty big hit to overall customer satisfaction and you’d see 23 of 24 or whatever you completed. I wanted the focus to be more on completing as many orders as possible and reward the player for speed rather than punish them with a ton of missed orders. The 24 total you got is pretty good, but faster  delivery speeds can get you more orders and higher scores. But I can totally see your confusion if all that wasn’t clear :)

Thanks again for playing!