Hey there, thank you! Yeah, when I originally made the conveyor system, a huge part of it was to detect adjacent pieces and auto-select/rotate the pieces. It ended up more frustrating than just letting the player choose pieces and rotation. However, I did keep some of the auto-rotate stuff as a sort of hybrid helper, but it was very much just thrown together at the end. As many comments (including yours) point out, it turned out to be anything but helpful in its current state ( -.-) Anyways, thanks so much for playing and providing your feedback!
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Oof.. yeah conveyors should be free, my bad. Glad you liked the UI though, despite the lack of layering. That's an interesting idea about gaining additional raw materials rooms. I definitely plan to try out a few things people have recommended after the jam. Thank you for playing and sharing all the great feedback!
Thank you! Yeah, for some reason I thought selling equipment would make it too easy, but I regretted that decision after being able to play test longer (after the jam ended -.-). We did have a 4-way cross piece early on, but it made no sense to cross conveyor paths.. however, a 3-way split would’ve been a great idea! Thanks for playing and providing your feedback!
Oh wow, you surpassed my playtesting best of sometime in year 3. I did find myself "saving" pieces as a sort of workaround, but, like you mentioned, the whole scaling system really needs to be reworked. Scaling up is too disruptive as is and almost feels like a punishment rather than the rewarding goal we were aiming for it to be. Also agree the UI needs significant work and optimization was, regrettably, a low priority during the jam. Really happy to hear you enjoyed it enough in it's current state to get as far as you did. Thanks for playing and providing such great feedback!
Hey there, checking out yours now. Here's ours:
Cookie Factory

Thank you for all your detailed feedback! Absolutely agree on the scaling issue where your system gets “messed up” after scaling and no money, great point. One question if you get a minute - what did you mean by “make the scaling part side by side”? I agree the scaling system definitely needs work, but not sure I understand your suggestion. Either way, thanks for playing!
Create your own cookie factory!
Build, upgrade, and scale up your factory to become an unstoppable cookie making powerhouse.
Create your own cookie factory!
Build, upgrade, and scale up your factory to become an unstoppable cookie making powerhouse.
Create your own cookie factory!
Build, upgrade, and scale up your factory to become an unstoppable cookie making powerhouse.
Thank you for playing and sharing your feedback! It probably isn’t clear, but you can reverse conveyor directions during the “build” phase. Understandably, it’s also probably not clear that starting production locks everything into place which sounds like the issue you ran into. We had plans to make everything more intuitive, but ran out of time fixing bugs in the 11th hour. Thanks again for playing!
Loved it! From audio to visuals, your polish was top-notch across the board. I really liked how the car SFX faded in as I got near the road and cars beeped when I got too close. The whole environment felt very immersive. Polish aside, the game was fun and just challenging enough to make me feel smart when I solved a section. Only small thing I'd recommend is making the "target" object's outline slightly more visible.. unless your goal was to hide them? Probably just me, but I spent far too long destroying that poor guy's monitors wondering why he wasn't reacting haha. Overall, fantastic entry all around!