This was definitely different this jam, this is the first true stealth game and definitely the first true horror game I've seen. The mechanics are handled pretty well, if with the game being a bit easy. Gotta say though that ending...
Anyway, some feedback:
- A small tutorial to just quickly handle the hotkeys might be nice (I never knew about or used the shift).
- Having the player somewhat visible could help with moving around the environment. Cause I had a few times where I was unsure where exactly the player was at so even just a slight shadow of the player to indicate it could help there. Just makes it clear where you're moving from.
- The flashing of your screen to a different image when as enemy gets close sorta helps the horror, but honestly it just felt really annoying to constantly have my screen change because I got within the bare minimum range of the echoes from the enemies. I feel like changing up the sound and maybe a slightly less intrusive image would help a ton.
- Sometimes the specific exit area itself wasn't clearly marked, there was a decent amount of stuff to actually lead you there, but the fact it isn't marked could end up being an issue? On the first one there's markings similiar to stairs, so maybe something like that throughout could help?
Overall this was a very different and very well put together game.