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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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I found an issue on certain GPUs on windows, where the game would crash. Here is a fixed version. Everything is the same except the bug is removed.

Windows BugFixed Version Download

Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad the controls worked well, I spent way too long on the controls/camera system. I definitely had more plans for this project but I ended up only getting the core functionality finished without actually making any goals, levels, or proper art.

Great style and super satisfying animations and particle effects, gives a sort of zombie game vibe, where I want to create a trail of enemies behind me to stop them from overwhelming me. Unfortunately I have a bad laptop (mobile cpu, integrated graphics), so after a few mins the game would be unplayable with lag. Nevertheless I can see the charm. I really like the low resolution/visible pixels 3D look. The twin stick shooter controls were a lot of fun to use. Awesome job!

Thanks for the kind words. These mechanics were inspired by a trailer I saw for a game called exo one. I haven’t actually played the game myself but the ideas from that trailer directly inspired this, so maybe you would be interested in checking that out?

Lovely game. I don’t see many pinball games in game jams, a nice surprise. Feels better to play than some actual pinball games on the gameboy. I don’t know what caused it, but the pinball loading mechanism dissapeared for me at the side of the screen after a few shots on my second play. It still worked like normal, it just didnt display on the screen. Not a big issue, but just to be aware of.

thanks a bunch for the feedback. I see that controls are definitely an issue! I should have made the brakes stronger. The way the close! system works is definitely a little hacky. I basically just slow the ships’s acceleration unless it faces outward from the planet, to make collisions more forgiving. I should have spend longer on that making it feel nicer for the player. I wish I made time for audio, I was actually litening to a lot of ambient music when making it and it goes so well. Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for the useful feedback and the kind words! You’re right that I want the game to be more relaxed. I definitely should have made the controls more forgiving to complement that. The game you mentioned looks interesting, I really missed out on older space sims, I’ve only played newer titles in the genre.

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Couldn’t upload the Linux Version on time. You can download it from here

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Linux Build could not upload on time, here it is:

Ah! and after it was working too :( . These errors look different to the ones you got before, is it a one time thing? Looks like pulseaudio couldn’t open a stream, from looking around it suggests a device was busy. Maybe if two instances of the program is open it crashes?

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Wow! It’s mostly working. Thanks a lot for sticking with it, I still don’t know why some of the audio files don’t load properly (and this time it’s 63 frames too few, weird!). Now that I know what kind of problems the audio can cause on some systems, I will definitely try and make the audio playing header more robust.

Yeah, that level is probably the hardest (that isn’t the intended solution), I think there’s only 3 more levels after that. There’s a full run through of the game on the itch page for all of the solutions.

A level indicator is a good idea, I somehow didn’t think of that. The light rays still have a few issues, like the switching on/off. The reason the goal takes a few seconds to “charge” is to stop these issues being exploited to win by shining a laser over it quickly. Definitely not an elegant fix!

It seems that libsndfile reads 83 less frames than expected every time you load a file, so when it is played there is an error as it accesses uninitalized memory.

I read over the libsndfile spec, it expects the info struct passed to sf_open to have a format value of 0. Maybe on my system it is set to zero automatically, but on yours it is uninitalized, so reads the wrong amount of frames.

if you place this line at the start of the AudioData(std::string filename) function that loads the audio:

AudioData(std::string filename)

   this->info.format = 0;  // <--- add this line

   SNDFILE* file = sf_open(filename.c_str(), SFM_READ, &this->info);

on my repo it would be line 35.

if that doesn’t work, here is a version of audio.h that doesn’t start portaudio or load any audio, the game is still completely playable.

Ah, I had no idea. i’m using multi-config just so I can build debug or release, otherwise the main difference is the folder it builds to. It just seems that the audio is the main issue, you are getting a segfault when portaudio is initalising. I really don’t know what would cause that, I haven’t gotten that issue yet. Sorry, not sure what else I can do to help.

Ok I have a fresh linux install, so I now have exact build instructions that work for fresh install on the repo. I also had a problem with a certain compiler, that is fixed now, so the code has changed slightly.

if you check the readme, it goes over everything I did to get it working step by step. Also if you aren’t using proprietary graphics drivers the vulkan version might not work.

hmm, I fresh installed debian. All I installed was

sudo apt install libglfw3-dev libglm-dev libfreetype-dev libassimp-dev libsndfile1-dev libasound-dev portaudio19-dev

and it runs just fine. I really don’t know what it could be, sorry

Do the sound issues cause a crash? as it’s normal to get a bunch of warning messeages with portaudio and ALSA, but it still works regardless (I always get those kinds of errors, but it always works fine).

yeah, I’m in the middle of doing a fresh linux install (having some driver issues). Once I have that setup I’ll try and build it with an older g++ version.

That’s not supplied by the project, thats generated by cmake automatically if you pass the -G”Ninja Multi-Config” arg. Let me outline the exact commands(if using a fresh clone of the repo, and in it’s root):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DGFX_ENV_VULKAN=1
cmake --build . --config Release

And congrats to you! first in theme, second in story. Your submission was really great, well polished, likable characters, and a world that felt very believable :)

I tried the game on an old laptop running debian bullseye, and got the same issue so I built it on that laptop and it works for me, so I uploaded it as a third download option on this game’s page as “TrialsOfThePharaohLinuxOpenGLCompatability.7z” This old laptop doesn’t have a discrete gpu, so only supports opengl, so this version is OpenGL only, but it should hopefully work!

ah so “GLIBCXX_3.4.29” and “GLIBC_2.34” aren’t there. My executable must have linked against those versions, and they aren’t on your system. I though it wouldn’t matter which version I had, but I guess it does. I’m not very knowledgable on the linux side of things, so I don’t know if you can install those?

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I can tell you exactly what I have, I’m using the ninja multiconfig buildsystem which in turn uses gcc.

in a build folder in the base of the project I run

cmake .. -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DGFX_ENV_VULKAN=1

then I run

cmake --build . 

If there are any dependancies missing, or an issue with the code, it should show up.

I actually didn’t expect people to build it from source, so I haven’t tested it on a fresh linux install or anything, so there might be something I have installed that i’m overlooking.

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Sorry, i’m pretty ignorant as to how to package libraries I dynamically linked to on linux. I’m not sure which libraries I am linking to dynamially, but I’m using glfw, glm, portaudio, libsndfile, freetype.

But from your error messages, is it possible I have linked to a newer C++ standard library than your system has?

if you run “strings /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC” is one of the results “GLIBCXX_3.4.29” and “GLIBC_2.34”? as I think I linked to them when building.

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I haven’t included a full dependancies list yet. It’s really two different executables, one linking to OpenGL and one linking to Vulkan. So if you want to build the vulkan version check my vulkan-environment repo for the depenancies: (On that repo at the bottom there is a setup with aptitude on linux, which goes over what you need to install)

After you have those, you should run cmake from a build folder in the root of this game’s repo like “cmake .. -DGFX_ENV_VULKAN=1” to setup for the vulkan version. then build the executable and put the resources folders (textures,audio,shaders,maps,dialogue) with the executable and launch.

If you have any issues, please let me know.

Cool an adventure game :D. And filled with that charming adventure game logic the genre is known for. I’m a fan of the art, and the animation of the snake eating the man was very amusing. But you had all those lovely backgrounds at the very end without there being anything to do but rush through them!

I’d say I did get stuck at one point, and only accidentally managed to get the mouse, as I didn’t see an interact icon. Also I wasn’t sure of the reason behind the order of the passcode, I’m assuming something to do with the shapes/colours, but the meaning escaped me. Otherwise I found the game to be excellent, great job!

those animations on youtube are so polished, a lovely style. I hope you use it for more games in the future, it fits really well :)

Despite the name of the jam, I wasn’t expecting the change in scenery! Having two sides of the game with different jumping parameters is a fun concept.

I found the ‘dead’ part to be very difficult, I tried playing super cautiously, but the 1 hit deaths, and a lack of checkpoints made it very hard. The camera also seems to hang high in the air, and there are a lot of places where you need to see whats below you, so you don’t run into an enemy, which caused some frustrating deaths.

The character animation is super clean, and having the rats explode into blood on death with the sound effect made crushing them very visceral, which was pretty fun.

All of the animations are amazing. The characters looked so 3D, the little enemies with animated appendages, and their transform animation into a mushroom. The woman character chilling out in the environment, sitting on a ledge etc, really brought the game to life. Is it all actually 2D? or is it 3D models with 2D effect? whichever one it looks super nice.

Gameplay wise its an interesting concept, using the corpses of the enemy to complete the level, sort of like wildlife reclaiming what has died. In terms of issues, the whip had a super sort range, I felt like I had to be on top of the enemy to get within range. But overall a really nice entry, great job!

Huge fan of peggle, so I’m already happy to see this. The story was super solemn, and it gave the gameplay a new light. After the level loops I decided to give up by missing, and that ended up progressing the story, definitely not expecting that! A cool idea, might stop people from finishing, as to me it wasn’t clear. The most complex levels being at the start, I’m trying to figure out some hidden meaning there…but not sure what. Nice submission!

Whats here is pretty good, I like the weight of the ship, the difficulty of the controls makes it a real challenge to chase after what drops from the asteroids. The parallax effect is really nice. I think if it was turned in to a game it would be a lot of fun.

The art fit really well, super polished. The intro sequence with the rumbling was all really nice. The game itself was fun too, I managed to get to wave 16, the screen was just filled with enemies. I like the idea of having enemies who are damaged by different abiltiies, having to switch focus between them meant it wasn’t just mindless shooting.

Ah, yes, thats a good point, honestly I hadn’t really though of that aspect, the only reason there is a delay at all is to stop the player in certain levels from shining on the goal for a few frames and “cheating” the solution. Thanks a lot for the feedback! :)

nice, managed to get 10100 after a few attempts. The effects around the black hole are very neat. It kept getting more and more distorted, I wanted to keep playing to see how distorted the character would get, very amusing! A fun highscore game, with an interesting stability mechanic.

It’s almost certainly my fault, so please don’t trouble yourself!

From doing some research it seems that nvidia drivers are more forgiving than AMD with data you send to the gpu, so I am probably sending bad arguments somewhere and nvidia is not reporting them as errors. I will try and get access to an AMD system in the future and fix it then, but for now thanks for letting me know there was an issue, I appreciate it :)

Thanks so much for the lovely praise! Dialogue in the intermissions was orginally planned, but we ran up on time constraints unfortunately :(

Wow, super polished, feels like a living a breathing world. All of the little scripted animations and reaction bubbles were great. I liked the little environmental touches, like the woman trying to fly in the garden and falling over again and again, the girl skipping over tiles, and the guys fighting in the training area.

For a 1 person team, this has a lot of content. You’re a good writer, I want to see how the story plays out, so I hope you continue the project :)

Ah, I wondered what the candles were for! I’ve added the game to a collection, so I’ll definitely check it out in the future, as I adore the style.

Ah, I’m sorry to hear that! I have only been able to test on nvidia gpu and intel graphics, I’ve had another person with AMD that had issues, I haven’t found the issue, but just for reference is your GPU amd too?

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Ahhh! I got DUG to dissapear, but I must have missed the wrong day off work.

A tough game, took me a while to find the exit in the second level! The controls are a very unique, infinite jumps and very powerful garvity, but once I got the timings right I was flying around the levels. Having one hit death felt pretty harsh though, although the super did make up for that. The music and art variety was pretty impressive, and I like the light story elements, a game with lots of character. great job! :)