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Reading your barfed up garbage and watching you piss and cry like an impotent egocentric gink of an asshat is no longer amusing.  For somebody that's obviously ecclesiophobic and a gerontophobe, why are you even whining because I called you a faggot?  Do you think anyone here is waiting on tenterhooks to see your miserable fails of coming back with anything?  You don't have shit, dude.


I dont need to come back anymore...

to see you whimpish, awful and honorless enough for the psychosis of homophobia, is a true delight.

just be your own self, and I can laugh all day about your puny  fears.

Deleted 1 year ago

You really need to take a step or two back and have a look at just how dumb you keep making yourself look.  You are also now starting to sound like a broken record with the whole homophobe thing.  One, nobody really even cares.  Two, you have made strikingly similar comments on multiple others.

Time to head back to the drawing board and sharpen up those crayons.  Try not to eat them this time.

Deleted 2 years ago